Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A new Wiki for learning languages --

Thanks for all your support, dear MR-щики! With 90% of you voting in favor of the idea of a language wiki, I will give it a try. The address of wiki is This wiki is hosted at a separate address. It's totally independent and should not dissolve the focus of MasterRussian on the Russian language as some of you might have been concerned. I am still exploring the wiki phenomenon and I am sure many of you will need to "get a taste" of what wiki really is. All in all, it is a poweful means of collaboration and communication. I guess there is a lot that can be done with wiki as a tool for learning languages and language exchange. For now, please simply visit the site and try to get the idea, perhaps edit something... improve, not erase though! Only the Russian section there is developed to the level of intial acceptance. The sections for other languages should follow, as well as languages that are not listed there yet. We'll live and see how it goes...


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